Actor Sahil Anand came into limelight with his striking stint in season 4 of MTV Roadies. The dashing dude started his Bollywood career with Karan Johar’s Student Of The Year, in which he played Jeet’s character. The actor recently made his debut as a lead in 'Babloo Happy Hai'. Directed by 'I Am Kalam' fame Nila Madhab Panda, which also stars Erica Fernandes along with Amol Parashar, Sumit Suri, Preet Kamal and Reyhna Malhotra, the film highlights the dilemmas that today's youth faces.
Sahil gave an outstanding performance in his freshly released film and was appreciated thoroughly by critics and audience. Elated actor, who is finally living his Bollywood dream said, “To be honest, I was initially reluctant to sign, but Nila Sir believed in me. I hope I repaid all of the confidence he showed in me.”
"We are getting good feedback from our friends, fans, viewers and the industry people," says a visibly charged Sahil.
Sahil is now geared up for his second film 'Bang Bang Bangkok' is directed by Vikram Pradhan and produced by DazzleWave Productions.
Sahil gave an outstanding performance in his freshly released film and was appreciated thoroughly by critics and audience. Elated actor, who is finally living his Bollywood dream said, “To be honest, I was initially reluctant to sign, but Nila Sir believed in me. I hope I repaid all of the confidence he showed in me.”
"We are getting good feedback from our friends, fans, viewers and the industry people," says a visibly charged Sahil.
Sahil is now geared up for his second film 'Bang Bang Bangkok' is directed by Vikram Pradhan and produced by DazzleWave Productions.
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